Elite Soccer Academy is a private business entity in compliance with Canadian laws, and a recognized sanctioned academy with Peel Halton Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer respectively.
As a member of Ontario Soccer, all Elite Soccer Academy administrators, coaches and players MUST comply with the guidelines set forth by Ontario Soccer in order to access the multiple benefits offered as a sanctioned member.
Elite Soccer Academy strives to maintain a status of good standing with Peel Halton Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer. As such, its members, administrators, coaches and players must commit to the following guidelines:
1- Support and agree to the by-laws, policies and governance operating procedures set forth by Peel Halton Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer respectively.
2- All players part of the Elite Soccer Academy programs MUST be registered to the appropriate systems, including Ontario Soccer’s player registry
3- Peel Halton Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer members are not permitted to partake in activities that may be deemed unsanctioned or in contravention with Ontario Soccer guidelines and operating procedures.