© 2025
From the list below, please select the desired item(s) you wish to purchase and click “NEXT”
In the next section, please enter the details pertaining to each item being ordered.
Please make sure details pertaining to each item are accurate as every item purchased is customized and returns or exchanges are not permitted
Please re-select the item(s) based on the desired color(s) to further choose the customization of each item
In the section below, please enter the details pertaining to your Crewneck Sweater(s)
Please make sure details pertaining to each item are accurate as every item purchased is customized and returns or exchanges are not permitted.
All items are purchased based on individual quantities(1) per item. (Example: Select White Hoodie = 1 unit), but, you may select more than 1 color
By completing the form below, you are agreeing to purchase Elite Merchandising. Please ensure all information is accurate, as all items are customized and sales are final.
All information collected in this form, will be kept safe and not used for any other purpose other than the associated program.
Upon completing this order form, please CLICK SUBMIT to be redirected to a PayPal secure terminal and complete the transaction.
Once the transaction is processed, one of our team members will be in contact with you for further details. THANK YOU