ALL Elite academy teams are privileged with the opportunity to attend tournaments and showcases at the discretion of each team and its staff, with full endorsement of the academy’s administration. However, there are a series of minimum requirements that all participants must comply with before the approval of travel.
1. All participants must be members of an Elite academy team sanctioned by PHSA and Ontario Soccer respectively.
2. Players outside of the academy may be permitted to attend a tournament as a guest player, on the condition that the appropriate guest player approvals and forms are completed and signed by the clubs
3. Prior to travel approval of any one player, all businesses must be in good standing
4. When attending a tournament that may require overnight stay, the tournaments will likely have specific guidelines such as booking hotel accommodations through their approved partner. When booking hotel accommodations, parents MUST follow the procedures set forth by the tournament
5. If/When players are travelling outside of Canada (example: US), all participants are required to purchase sport specific insurance
6. Coaches are NOT permitted to provide transportation to players other than their own children, unless it is based on a ride-share approach where at least one of the other participants parents is travelling in the same vehicle.
7. Where as accommodations are concerned, room sharing is not permitted under any circumstances